Aquí tenim el record de la nostra primera sortida d’aquest curs. La setmana passada vàrem gaudir d’un dia de platja juntament amb els companys de 4rt, 5èA i els 6ès. Vàrem fer una caminada ben guapa des de Cala Mesquida fins arribar a Cala Agulla. Capfico inclòs!!


Hi class 🤗,I’m sharing with you the activities we have been practising in class.
You DO NOT have to send them me back! It’s for practising!

My recommendation:
1st, Try to do some.
2nd, Check those ones.
3rd, Try to understand.
4th, Go ahead with some more.
5th, Repeat the previous steps.

1. The car is in the garage.
2. Julie loves ice-cream.
3. The food was on the table.

4. The student is from Colombia.
5. David has lost his wallet.
6. Luke read the textbook.

7. The caterpillar became a butterfly.
8. The teacher is living in Istanbul.
9. William has visited Spain.

10. The teenagers enjoyed the party.


  1. Queen Elizabeth I became queen of England in1558.

……………………………………………………………………………………………………. ?

  1. QueenElizabethIbecame queen of England in 1558.


  1. Lilithwas Adam’s first wife.


  1. TheAthenianssentenced Socrates to death in 399 BC.


  1. The Athenians sentenced Socrates to death in 399 BC.


  1. Aristotletaught Alexander the Great.


  1. Aristotle taught AlexandertheGreat.


  1. Apollo and Artemis were born inDelos, according to legend.


9. ThearchbishopofValenciaordered the execution of an innocent school teacher in 1826.


  1. Gema saw afox cub.


  1. Gema saw a fox cub.


  1. Tonybroke the video.



W-Questions from Readings

Today, we have been asking a lot of questions: Why, When, Where, How, … but not enough! So, we must continue working on this!

“The 20”

🏚️ 📝 Read ‘A Cold Day’ and send me one W-question about this story.

“A Cold Day”

For example:

Would you be able to answer them? ⤵️ Be careful, some of them are tricky, so you may answer: ‘The text doesn’t say anything about it.’

Noah has asked: ‘Why does Dr. James turn on the television?’

Raúl has asked: ‘Where is Dr. James at the beginning of the story?’

Martina L. has asked: ‘What is the weather like today in York?’ ‘Why does Dr. James shiver?

Laia has asked: ‘Where does Dr. James come from?’ or ‘Where is Dr. James from?’

Jose Luís has asked: ‘Who turns the television on?’

Xana has asked: ‘What is the title of the story?’ ‘What did the weatherman say on TV?’

Ainhoa L. has asked: ‘How many people were in the car when the accident happened?’

Carla has asked: ‘Where is Dr. James going?’‘Where does Dr. James go?’

Yanira has asked: ‘Why didn’t Dr. James pick up a scarf?’

Mixyel has asked: ‘What clothes does he put on?’

Sofía has asked: ‘What’s the weather like in York?’ ‘Why does Dr James turn on the Tv?’ ‘What happened on the road?’

Iker has asked: ‘Why can’t Dr.James stay at home?’

Cata has asked: ‘What does James take out of the closet?’

One of them is not a W-question. Could you recognise it? One of them is already said by another mate, Which one?

Xin Yan has asked: ‘Which month is it?’

Sergi has asked: ‘Why is Dr. James in Pensilvania and not in Florida?’

Nóa has asked: ‘Why is it a cold day?’

Sheila has asked: ‘Is everyone okay?’

Ainhoa C. has asked: ‘Why will snowfall make the road slippery?’

Lluc has asked: ‘Where is a frigid day?’

Arafat has asked: ‘Which month is it when it is snowy?

Iker has asked: ‘Why can’t Dr. James stay home?’

Francisco has asked: ‘What time is Dr. James at home?

Naiara has asked: ‘What time is doctor James on the road?

Angelo has asked: ‘What clothes does he put on?’

Jan Pablo has asked: ‘Where is a cold day?’

Mathias has asked: ‘Who turns the television on?’

Mayra has asked: ‘What’s the weather like today?’

Toni has asked: ‘What time is it when there is the accident?’

Onassis has asked: ‘Where is Dr. James?’

Martina C. has asked: ‘Why have the people had an accident?’

Adriana has asked: ‘Why do people go to the hospital?’

This is a cat. What is this?
He plays football. What does he play?
You play football. What do you play?
Tom & Susan played football yesterday. When did Tom & Susan play football?


Hello class🤗,I share with you some links you may need for doing these activities.

Let’s edit a PDF!
Activity 1                 Answer Key
Activity 2                 Answer Key II

I went to China last year.
When did you go to China?
Where did you go last year?
Who went to China last year?

I am playing basketball in Hide Park.
What are you doing?
Where are you playing basketball?
Who is playing basketball in Hide Park?

Video Tutorial

Diana 💌